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时间:2024-10-16 06:36编辑:admin来源:大阳城游戏官方网站当前位置:主页 > 大阳城游戏官方网站花卉大全 > 水生植物 >
本文摘要:Amazon’s proposed delivery service hit some significant turbulence Sunday with proposed new rules for drone operation from the Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Transportation.近日,亚马逊的租车服务计划遇上了根本性障碍,原因是美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)和美国交通部就无


Amazon’s proposed delivery service hit some significant turbulence Sunday with proposed new rules for drone operation from the Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Transportation.近日,亚马逊的租车服务计划遇上了根本性障碍,原因是美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)和美国交通部就无人机运营明确提出了新的规定。If passed as initially outlined, the guidelines could prevent the company from launching the service in the U.S.如果两部门的草案被原始通过,亚马逊在美国发售无人机租车业务的计划有可能阻碍。Under the draft of the regulations, drone operators must remain within a visual line of site from their drones and are not allowed to fly drones over people who aren’t in control of the aircraft. The rules are bad news for Prime Air, which Amazon had previously showcased using autonomous drones that were not manually operated by staffers.这项草案规定,无人机操作者必需让无人机仍然维持在自己的视线之内,而且无法让机器飞到对其没控制力的人。

对亚马逊的Prime Air租车系统来说,这些规定是个坏消息。在之前的展示中,Prime Air无人机为全自动飞行中,需要人工操作者。

Amazon, though, said it is still committed to delivering packages to customers via drones, and called on the government agency to rethink its proposal and how it might impact corporations.不过,亚马逊回应仍想用无人机给客户车主,并拒绝政府部门重新考虑上述草案,以及它有可能对企业产生什么样的影响。“The FAA needs to begin and expeditiously complete the formal process to address the needs of our business, and ultimately our customers,” said Paul Misener, Amazon’s vice president for global policy, in a statement. “We are committed to realizing our vision for Prime Air and are prepared to deploy where we have the regulatory support we need.”亚马逊全球公共政策副总裁保罗o米塞纳在一份声明中回应:“FAA必须启动并很快已完成适当的官方程序,以解决问题我们的业务市场需求,进而符合我们客户的必须。我们仍致力于构建Prime Air这一愿景,并打算在取得监管反对的地区部署该系统。

”The rules also limit the weight of an unmanned aircraft to under 55 lbs. Amazon had previously said the initial weight capacity of its drones would belimited to 5 lbs.上述规定还将无人机的重量容许在55磅(24.97公斤)以下。亚马逊此前曾回应,该公司无人机的仅次于装载能力可行性将订为5磅(2.27公斤)。The FAA released the proposal for rules regarding drones on Sunday. The agency stressed that the proposals are not final, and that it is seeking input from all interested parties.FAA于近期发布了上述无人机监管草案。该部门特别强调,这并非最后规定,而且它正在向涉及各方征询意见。

“We have tried to be flexible in writing these rules,”said FAA Administrator Michael Huerta in a statement. “We want to maintain today’s outstanding level of aviation safety without placing an undue regulatory burden on an emerging industry.”FAA局长迈克尔o许尔塔发表声明称之为:“我们仍然在设法制订灵活性的规定。我们期望像现在一样维持出众的航空安全水平,同时防止给一个新兴行业带给不必要的监管开销。”The FAA is accepting public comments on the proposed regulation for the next 60 days. Among the areas it specifically mentioned as being up for discussion: whether the rules should permit operations beyond line of sight, and if so, how far operators would be able to fly drones.FAA将在60天内征询公众对上述规定的意见。

它尤其提及了一些可可供探究的内容,其中还包括否应当容许无人机瓦解操作者的视线,以及如果容许的话,操作者可操作者无人机飞来多近。Amazon had previously hoped to launch Prime Air in 2015, although that date was always dependent on regulatory approval, and even Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos called it “optimistic.” Now the language on the service’s page is much more ambiguous, saying “Putting Prime Air into service will take some time, but we will deploy when we have the regulatory support needed to realize our vision.”亚马逊此前期望在2015年发售Prime Air系统,只是明确时间必定要各不相同监管审核;该公司首席执行官杰夫o贝佐斯甚至说道这是“悲观”预期。

现在,亚马逊网站对这项业务的讲解要比以前有魄力得多,它说道“让Prime Air系统投放运作必须一些时间,但只要取得所需的监管反对,我们就不会将其付诸实施,从而让我们的愿景沦为现实。”Amazon initially unveiled Prime Air and its drone delivery ambitions in 2013 as part of a broader effort to further speed up deliveries. In announcing the program, Bezos said the drones could deliver packages within a 10 mile radius of the company’s fulfillment centers within 30 minutes.亚马逊最初于2013年透露了Prime Air系统以及用无人机送来租车的远大目标,这是该公司采行普遍措施来进一步提高租车速度的措施之一。贝佐斯在讲解这个项目时说,无人机可以在30分钟内将包覆从亚马逊的运营中心送往10英里(大约16公里)近的地方。

Amazon is not the only company looking to drones as possible delivery systems. Google GOOG 1.12% , Domino’s Pizza and Alibaba BABA 2.24% have also been conducting trials.把无人机视作潜在租车工具的公司并非亚马逊一家。谷歌、达美乐比萨和阿里巴巴也都仍然在早已展开测试。





