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Android Wear智能手表操作系统评测

时间:2024-10-01 06:36编辑:admin来源:大阳城游戏官方网站当前位置:主页 > 大阳城游戏官方网站花卉大全 > 水生植物 >
本文摘要:In the 16th century, the clock took its first step into becoming what we now know as a wristwatch. The pocket watch was born from a practical desire for a more portable way of telling time, but it quickly became a status symbol, only to be


In the 16th century, the clock took its first step into becoming what we now know as a wristwatch. The pocket watch was born from a practical desire for a more portable way of telling time, but it quickly became a status symbol, only to be worn by the influential or royal. Indeed, the first true wristwatch, an oblong 1812 invention by the Swiss watchmaker Breguet, was created for Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples. (Napoleon’s youngest sister was somewhat of a collector: she purchased 34 timekeeping devices from Breguet in a six-year span.)16世纪手表的经常出现,使钟表朝着如今为我们所熟悉的腕表的发展方向迈进了最重要一步。手表的问世有只不过用市场需求的原因,因为它更为便携。

但手表迅速出了一种身份的象征物,只有社会名流或王公贵族才能配戴得起。世界上第一款确实的腕表于1812年问世,乃是瑞士宝玑公司(Breguet)的作品,它是为那不勒斯王后卡罗琳o穆拉特定做的(她是拿破仑的妹妹,也是一个钟表收藏家,六年里她一共从瑞士宝玑公司出售了34块钟表)。In today’s world, where digital devices are ubiquitous and clocks are on everything from phones to coffeemakers, the watch is almost entirely a status symbol. An expensive watch can equally project elegance, arrogance, or convention, depending on one’s company; an inexpensive one can project humility or frugality. (Consider the narrative created when it was revealed in 2005 that Russian president Vladimir Putin wore $60,000 Patek Philippe and U.S. president George W. Bush wore a $50 Timex.) All of which prompts the questions: With the act of time-keeping commoditized, what kind of status symbol could a smart watch become? Or does it create another use case altogether?如今智能设备早已显得无处不在,不光是手机,就连咖啡机上都可以表明时间,因此手表再度变为了一种身份的象征物。一块便宜的手表有可能象征物着主人的古朴、冷酷或传统,一块廉价的手表有可能象征物着主人的勤劳或顺服。

(大家不妨回想一下2005年一桩轶事给美俄两国总统带给的口碑:当时俄罗斯总统普京戴着了一块价值6000美元的百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)腕表,而美国总统小布什则戴着了一块价格仅有50美元的天美时(Timex)手表。)这些都让我们不已想起这样一个问题:随着计时设备的商业化,智能手表将扮演着什么样的身份象征物?抑或它将沦为与身份牵涉到的其它东西?The “smart watch” is no longer a new product category. Today, Qualcomm QCOM -0.21% , Pebble, and Samsung all manufacture pioneering smart devices for the wrist. For Google, however, smart watches are an altogether new direction for its Android mobile operating system. The announcement of Android Wear earlier this year signaled that Google GOOG -0.42% was getting serious about wearable devices—serious in a way that the novel Glass project did not. At its developer conference in June, Google revealed that first two Android Wear watches would begin shipping—well, today.所谓“智能手表”早已仍然是一个全新的产品类别。


谷歌(Google)于今年早些时候公布的Android Wear平台意味著它早已开始坦率看来可穿着设备——就连精致的谷歌眼镜项目都未曾享用过这种待遇。在今年六月的谷歌开发者大会上,谷歌宣告其头两款加装了Android Wear的手表正好将于美国时间7月7日开始发货。Those watches are the Samsung Gear Live, listed at $199, and LG’s G Watch, listed at $229. After testing, it is possible to get a sense of what Google is trying to accomplish with Android Wear. (It should be noted that Google severely limits what manufacturers can do to customize the operating system; as a result, both devices offer essentially the same software experience. For the purposes of this review, I consider my experience with the G Watch reflective of Android Wear in general.)这两款智能手表分别是三星的Gear Live(售价199美元)和LG的G Watch(售价229美元)。

测算一番之后,我们对谷歌寄希望于Android Wear构建什么样的目标也就大约有了可行性的了解。(值得注意的是,谷歌严苛容许厂商对Android Wear擅自展开自定义,因此这三星和LG的这两款设备的软件体验大同小异。为了行文便利,笔者仅有用试用G Watch的体验来代表Android Wear的总体感觉。

)To set up Android Wear, you must first pair the watch in question to an Android device (such as a phone or tablet) running version 4.3 or above of the operating system. (Check if your Android phone is compatible by visiting this page.) Once paired, the watch will begin displaying notifications from your phone or tablet—every single one. Jarring is the only word to describe the sudden sensation of an object on your wrist vibrating for every email, Twitter mention, or text message you receive, but once you remember that you’re in control, you can limit the onslaught of alerts within a minute or two. (As a rule, the watch will vibrate with every alert displayed on your phone, but the Android Wear companion app allows you to blacklist a specific app’s notifications from also showing up on your watch.)要加装Android Wear,你必需首先将手表与一台最少加装了安卓4.3以上的设备(比如手机或平板电脑)展开筛选。筛选顺利后,你的手机或平板电脑上的新的通报就需要通过手表表明出来。每当有新邮件、Twitter警告或短信来临的时候,你的手表就不会震动并表明消息,给人吓一跳的感觉。

但是你只必须一两分钟的设置就可以调整它的报警声。(手机每次有新的通报,手表就不会配置文件自动震动,但是Android Wear的原生应用于容许你屏蔽若干应用于的通报。

)The first wave of smart watches were one-way streets of communication: a connected watch would receive and display an alert to which you could only respond using your phone. Pebble did a tremendous job laying the ground work for further interaction; Google has wisely decided to pick up where it left off. With a series of touch gestures, the Android Wear wearer can scroll through alerts and interact. I’m not ashamed to say that I found immense satisfaction in my newfound ability to discretely manage my inbox by archiving emails directly from my watch.第一批智能手表可以说道只是通讯的“单行道”。一只手表可以接管和表明手机上的通报,但要想要恢复的话就不能通过手机。之前Pebble公司为了给智能手表的对话功能铺平道路早已做到了大量工作,而谷歌则明智地自由选择“接过Pebble的枪”。Android Wear的使用者可以通过手势翻动处置通报消息和对话。

找到通过手表就可以必要对我的Email收件箱的内容展开文档以后,我取得了很大的满足感。It’s not all hunky dory. Notification management falls short in some areas, particularly for Hangouts, Google’s communication tool. The quibbles are small but frequent: for example, it makes sense for a notification to disappear after you reply to a message, yet it persists until you manually clear it. And third-party apps that allow you to reply display a green check mark upon the selection of that option, rather than the usual input dialogue.但是Android Wear也并非没瑕疵。

它的通报管理在某些地方做到得依然严重不足,比如不反对谷歌的通讯工具Hangouts。另外还有不少小问题,比如当你恢复了一条信息之后,通报就应当自动消失,但是Android Wear上的通报却会自动消失,而是要等你去手动清理它。

另外有些第三方应用于的恢复栏上面不会表明出有一个绿色的复选框,而不是一般来说的输出界面。In addition to touch input, Android Wear supports Google’s speech recognition software. I’m happy to report that it takes very little time to fire off instructions like “OK Google, remind me to flip the steaks in 7 minutes.” The same can be done to search, compose an email or text message, set a timer, or even call a Lyft car with a Batman-eqsue, “OK Google, call a car.”除了触碰输出之外,Android Wear也反对谷歌的语音辨识软件。

我很高兴地找到,只必须很短的时间,它就可以辨识出有“OK谷歌,7分钟后警告我给牛排刷一下面”这样简单的指令。语音指令某种程度可以用在搜寻、编写邮件或短信、以定闹钟甚至是在Lyft网站上微信——只要你像蝙蝠侠一样很棒地说道一声:“OK谷歌,给我叫辆车。”In testing, Android Wear’s voice commands mostly worked without issue. (An exception: when I was in a room full of screaming kids, I couldn’t get the initial “OK Google” command to work. I may be a modern-day Maxwell Smart, but I lack a cone of silence.) I regularly found myself setting or sending an item just by lifting my wrist and uttering some words. The best part: all of it was done in 10 seconds or less. (Try doing that on a smartphone.)在测算过程中,Android Wear的语音指令大多数时候可以没什么问题地运营。


)我经常只要一坐手腕,就能设置一些项目或者发送到一些文字。最妙的是这些在10秒钟之内就能已完成(你可以试试看在智能手机上必须多长时间)。True, I was overcome with embarrassment the first time I caught someone looking at me as I dictated a text message to my watch. I got over it in a way that I wasn’t able to with, say, Google Glass.我要坦白,当我第一次找到有人盯着我对一块手表喃喃自语的时候,我感觉十分失望,但是后来我解决了这种失望感觉。相比之下,我上次试用谷歌眼镜就没过去这个“心理关口”。

There are a number of new capabilities opening up as Android developers bundle Android Wear functionality into existing Android apps in Google’s Play Store, setting the platform apart from other smart watch offerings on the market. For example, the Fly Delta app also includes an Android Wear app: Once you pair a watch to your smartphone, the Wear app is installed and you’re able to use the screen on your wrist as your boarding pass. (Finding a TSA agent that allows you to use it, on the other hand, is another story.) I hope for a Starbucks Android Wear app with which I can display my Starbucks Card barcode for quick payment.由于安卓开发者们给谷歌Play Store里的很多现有应用于也加到了Android Wear功能,因此使这款智能手表平添了许多新的能力,也使Android Wear在目前市场上智能手表产品中一枝独秀。比如达美航空公司(Delta Airlines)出品的Fly Delta应用于就包括了一个Android Wear版,一旦你把智能手表与手机展开筛选,Wear版的应用于就不会自动加装,然后你就可以将腕表的屏幕当作登机牌来用于。(至于航空运输管理局的安全检查人员否接纳这张“登机牌”,那就是另外一其实了。

)从我本人来说,我期望星巴克(Starbucks)也能早日发售适当的Android Wear应用于,这样我就可以在智能手表上表明我的会员卡条形码来展开较慢缴纳了。And what about that status symbol, you ask? Though it’s far from Google’s fault, the first models of Android Wear watches lack a compelling look to serve as a replacement for more analog alternatives. LG’s G Watch looks like nothing more than a block of black plastic, while Samsung’s Gear Live offers a plastic face with a silver bezel. The watches’ hardware design clearly took a backseat to software and services. For once, that’s not OK. (The better looking, if large, Moto 360 arrives later this summer. Apple’s rumored iWatch? September, supposedly.)再行返回前文提及的身份象征物问题。智能手表否沦为一种身份的象征物?虽然这也不是谷歌的错,但是配备Android Wear的第一批智能手表缺少具备吸引力的外观,难道继续无法代替传统手表。

LG的G Watch看上去就像一个黑色的塑料方块,三星的智能手表则女友以银色塑料边框。这样显然,这两款手表的硬件设计似乎是让坐落于软件和服务了。就这一点,我要给个差评。(外观更佳看的摩托罗拉Moto 360智能腕表将在今年夏天上市。

而传言已幸的苹果iWatch据报要等到九月份才能与消费者见面。)But they’re headed in the right direction. There’s a lot of work yet to be done on the smart watch, and though the companies that make them aren’t quite facing the same stakes as their analog counterparts in the 16th century, there is no question that they will change the way we live our lives.但是,它们的确是在朝着准确的方向发展。






